Common borders. Common solutions.
Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova
Cross Border Cooperation
Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova
Cross Border Cooperation
House - Vikno village, Zastavnivski rayon, 1891
The house belonged to a peasant of average fortune. It is typical for Bucovina: wooden pillars are stuck into the ground; between the pillars, there are narrow laths braided with straws and glued with clay on both sides and blanched. The four-sided roof is covered with straw.
The dwelling has tree rooms: the living room includes the traditional stove, the bed, the place for clothes and the table with the tableware, the wooden table with benches, the corner with icons; in the main room – the chests with festive clothes, woven carpets, the table covered with a tablecloth, medical herbs; on the hall – the chimney and various household tools.